Epic Journey

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William Bartee
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Epic Journey

Post by William Bartee » Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:06 pm

Hello All, I was just reading about the Idaho horse trip you guys took back in September. Wow, it appears like you guys had a great trip, and it sounds like this wasn't your first time out. Was there plenty of game for food or did you come up short? W

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Doc Mark
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Re: Epic Journey

Post by Doc Mark » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:34 am

Hello, William,

Yes, our journey was "epic", indeed! I'm in the midst of completing a full article on that adventure, complete with a ton of photos. So, please keep your eyes peeled for it when it is published. As to food and game, more is always better than less, but we had enough to keep us all alive, if not stuffed, and we all would go again, should the chance present itself. Again, please look for the article when it is published, and I'll post a note here at that time, to give everyone a head's up. I've had to learn a new program to get this thing finished, and it's still taking quite a bit of time to get photos and text integrated properly, but it's coming along. Thanks for asking about our trip, and God Bless!

Every Good Wish,
ALRA #224
Western Partisan
The only thing that can never be taken away from you, is your honor. Cherish it, in yourself, and in others.

William Bartee
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Re: Epic Journey

Post by William Bartee » Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:36 pm

Doc, can't wait for the article, sounds really neat. Do you guys do these outings all the time? Sounds like you lead a stout group of men, who are not short on endurance! William

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Doc Mark
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Re: Epic Journey

Post by Doc Mark » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:25 am

Good Morning, William,

Thanks, very much, for your kind words, Sir. But, in fact, Ken Stanley, our Idaho LT was the leader of our trip. He and his Segundo, Wynn Ormand, planned the entire thing, and made arrangements for the horses, period tack, and other things needed for our trip. I was, in fact, the least experienced in such a journey, as I've not been on a horse for more than an hour since I owned my own, back about 40 years ago! So, the other guys had to show me the ropes, and they did so very kindly. We worked together as a strong team, to make sure that everyone was safe and well, and that our goals were accomplished. It was a very hard trip for all of us, but one that we are all very proud to have completed together!

As to getting out in the woods often, our Utah and Idaho groups do that on a regular basis, as to other State groups in the ALRA. Being self-employed, I don't have as much time for it as I used to have, and have even had to cut back on the events I can attend. But, I still love getting out there as often as our business allows. Thanks, again, for your kind comments, and I will post a note here when my article on our trip has a publishing date. Take care, and God Bless!

Every Good Wish,
ALRA #224
Western Partisan
The only thing that can never be taken away from you, is your honor. Cherish it, in yourself, and in others.

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Re: Epic Journey

Post by j.k.stanley » Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:17 pm

Sorry bout the delayed delay. I just saw this post. Ken here,

It was a grand time for sure. Myself and my good friend Wynn Ormond kinna ramrodded this thing. We are on a horseback trips about 7 weekends each year, and this year another 5 day in the High Uintas

The country that we covered over there last Sept. I have been in on numerous occasions. We had plenty of berries to eat and "sufficient" meat.

Mark is putting together an article so I dont want to spoil it.

Do you have horse experience? Do you own horses? What part of Nevada do you hail from. I am in Pocatello, Id.



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